Denise Sherriff

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Be In The Moment

What does that mean to you?

To me, it means be the best person I can be right where I am.

In the midst of the Coronavirus, I think many of us don’t like where we might find ourselves. We may be scared, confused or worrisome about what’s going to happen. These are legitimate feelings and thoughts from our human perspective. However, I don’t dwell on them and allow them to consume me because I have no control over this situation. What I do have control over is how I can adhere to my established leaderships guidelines which is for the good of everyone. I can make the best of being distanced from others. Though it may seem like a very small part to do, if we all participate it will make a difference.

So, my question is “What CAN I do?” What can YOU do?

I don’t know what that may consist of for you, but everyday I try to do something that is encouraging for someone. I include myself in this because I need encouragement as well! We all have families and friends we care for and love. We know what life is like for us but what is life like for them?

I had eye surgery scheduled to remove cataracts. I called the office the other day and was informed of the necessary delay. I expected that may happen so my mind was set already for that possibility. It’s not an emergency for me.

This particular office is staffed with amazing, thorough and kind people. But today when I called I could hear the stress in the voice of the woman who took my call. She turned out to be a surgery assistant stepping in to help out in the office. I made a comment to her that I was so sorry for what they were going through in rescheduling. She began to cry and said “Yes, and thank you. We are worried about all of our patients.” I knew I had to somehow purpose our conversation to comfort her so that she in turn could “Be in the Moment” for someone else.

An assignment came to me quickly after I hung up the phone. I was to contact as many businesses, doctors, veterinarians and restaurants that are part of my life.  To let them know how much I appreciate them and their sacrifices in such a time as this. Numerous times they have made a difference in my life in a variety of ways. I wanted them to know I am praying for them, their staff and their families.

Though many cried as I spoke to them on the phone I believe it was Hope being stirred in them. Hope that they, in turn, will share with others.

I don’t know what you are going through right now. But I’ve shared a part of my life during this time and I hope it will stir in you the creativity inside you that can touch someone’s life in a kind way.

Proverbs 3:3

Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.