Winter Thankfulness

I have been watching the leaves fall in my yard and on my deck over the last few days. Of course I am not without a cup of hot delicious coffee in-hand.

I was noticing how peaceful my dog was as she laid upon piles of fallen leaves that made quite a cushiony-like bed. I actually did go lie down beside her on the leaves! It was lovely watching them float down with each breeze. Those of you that know me know I really did this. If only for a few moments.

The trees look bare and cold right now. The ground is covered with each leaf’s journey to becoming something else in natures world. This allows the unembellished tree to begin rejuvenating itself. There’s going to be a complete transformation come Spring!

This process reminds me of how I often tell people that are in a wintery-kind-of-season that God will not waste any of your troubles or time because he uses every thing we go through.

Sure, seasonal change mean there is work to be done for the human kind, so remember to notice the process of what’s happening. If things seem to be “at a stand still”, they are not because here is more going on than you can imagine.

Nature does not have a choice in this matter, but we do. The tree doesn’t make a plan but we sometimes make tons of them.

Nature is commanding yet lovely. People have a bit of a different expedition than nature. We are more opinionated about what beauty really looks like. And then there is what we do to achieve it. That takes a completely different course for some of us.

I love nature because it just is what it is. Nature simply follows the way it was intended to be and to accomplish what it was meant to do.

We know that beauty as well as the rugged surrounds us at any given time.

Remember when you are in a transitional state it is okay. When you are step into your new spring season, you have made it! And not only that but forged a path for others.

Your “winters” are a season of finding rest in ways only you can discover.

Be builders of faith!

Job 12:7-10

But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.