Timeless Love

“Timeless Love”

By Denise Sherriff

November 23, 2022

The days are long gone when we take our significant other home to meet our parents.

 We are the parents now.

We are the Grandparents.

 There is no approval we need.

 We see things differently now rather than when we were valiant in our youth.


We depend on what we have learned.

The mistakes we have made to give us wisdom.


What matters today in this moment is unrelentless love for each other.

Love that survives and flourishes with a desire to be alive again.


Love that embraces and forgives before there is anything to forgive.

We have learned the value much too late to procrastinate.


We see the wrinkles.

The imperfections and flaws with new beauty.


And somehow it is lovely as before.

The test of time has made it so.


Our eyes see with a wholeness and softness it has taken years to shape and mold.


The character lines have been chiseled with heartaches and a greater understanding of what joy truly is.


Joy is written in the heart.

Established with finesse.


Our hands have weathered tough times that have birthed a new gentleness.

To embrace without a second thought.

To caress at a moment’s impulse.

These hands reach out to welcome a tender moment without question.


Our eyes find each other because they are the windows to the soul we have sought long to understand.


It comes easier now because we know eternity of souls is forever, Timeless, and boundless.

To linger in space and time throughout eternity with God the Father Who has made all things with inspiration.


Remember Love?


That one thing we sought with all our might to obtain.

Come to find out it is the simplest of all things.


It is all encompassing.

It is our champion that always wins.


It waits for no one.

Yet embraces everyone.


Love is the power of the universe.

Love is our Creator’s finest gift.


It is immeasurable.

It is honest.

It is transparent.

It is all we have ever imagined.

Yet even more.

It belongs to me.

It belongs to you.

It is interchangeable and is a host of no boundaries.


Love is to be cherished and close to the heart.

Yet freely given away.


It drifts about like the wind atop the trees.

It has the ability to flow through every crevice.

It penetrates and surrounds my very being.


It touches you.

Then reaches back for me.

Never leaves one behind.


 No. Love never leaves us behind.


Hand-in-hand we walk into the sunset

That will never set without you

Without me.


Hand-in-hand is where we will be

Knowing what we know.

Yet knowing nothing.


Everything wants to live.

And nothing lives well without love.


I give you my heart and even though it is many years old

It knows you and is rekindled anew.


Each and every time I catch even the smallest glimpse of your eyes.

We become one at that moment in our togetherness.

We are indeed the thrill of choosing love.