Plant Seeds of Hope

The Caronavirus has given us an opportunity to be creative in how we plant seeds. They don’t necessarily need to be seeds that are sown into the ground. What I am talking about are seeds sown into humanity.; like seeds of kindness, encouragement, a letter or a phone call.

During times of this pandemic, they can even be a shout out or a thumbs up from your doorway to say thank you to the people who pick up your trash, deliver your mail and deliver your packages like FedEx and UPS. How about the person you see taking a walk on your street?

You may have guessed it already especially if you know me, that I am doing this most everyday AND I don’t have any makeup on! Sometimes in the whole scheme of things I just don’t matter as much as I think I need to.

Hey,. find out about someone who is sick; not necessarily because of the Caronavirus, but has another ailment, or recovering from some type of surgery and cant get around very well. Call and let them know you will be driving by to wave at them. I’ve actually seen an entire parade of cars do this for someone. It’s amazing! I want someone to drive by my house! Don’t you?!

There are restaurants participating in delivering meals to those on the front lines. Check websites for those participating. You donate about $10, they prepare a meal and deliver it. That’s awesome! I’m going to do it today!

We all have a certain self-awareness of what is going to happen and that’s a natural concern. But I’m a firm believer that removing self from time to time and simply being aware of what’s around us goes a long way in giving and living with Hope.

Many of the posts I’ve noticed on social media are about this very thing! Now that’s what I’m talking about. Saturating social media to spread good things.

Pray about it, put action to your words and then go do it!

I can’t wait to see or hear about what you will do!

1st Thessalonians 5:11

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

See you soon!