Health & Medical Declarations

#5 of 8

Health & Medical Declarations 

Dear Friends;

Our health and medical needs, for the most part, depend on each other for optimum well-being. Certainly there are things that we have no control over. However, I believe we should best focus on what we CAN do as much as possible.

There are different life-styles among all of us. One that we can all practice to be better at is taking care of our bodies, no matter what our life-style consists of. Often times that is easier said than done. If we were looking at a graph, I’m sure we would all know where our point of focus needs to be. I know there is room for improvement in my life. Then, if and when a medical issue arises, our bodies are more adequate in healing. We feel better overall and our spirit benefits as well.

1.  I take care of my body which is God’s temple. I eat healthy. I get exercise.  I set a good example for my family.

Scripture:      1st Corinthians 6:19-20          My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who lives within me, Whom I have received from God.  I am not my own, I was bought with a price.

2. I get the rest I need so that I am ready to do the things god asks of me.

Scripture:      Proverbs 4:20-22         I will listen closely to God’s words.  I will not let them out of my sight.  I will keep them within my heart; for they are life to all who find them and health for the whole body

 3.  When I am faced with a medical or health problem, I am willing to do all I can  in the natural and to seek Gods council to get medical attention. I will believe God’s report. I am healed.

Scripture:      Jeremiah 17:14              Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.


4. I praise God for the many things He has protected me from.

Scripture:      Deuteronomy 33:27     The eternal God is my refuge and dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

5. I will learn something that God has for me during a season in which He wants me  to be still.

Scripture:            Lamination 3:25, 33         The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men.


6. I will choose to do the things I need to do, even if I don’t feel like it.

Scripture:      Colossians 3:2          I set my mind and keep it set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.

7. I will get my problems off my mind and find a way to help someone else.

Scripture:            Psalms 55:22 leave my troubles with the Lord, and He will defend me; He never lets honest people be defeated.

Denise Sherriff
